Learn more about this product with our helpful review. It introduces ground-breaking features to ensure the highest quality of retained nutrients and taste in dehydrated fruits and vegetables : Overheat Protection Feature keeps raw food from being overheated! Its new TST feature makes it possible to have fast dehydrating times without any enzyme or nutrient degradation. Thank you for your inquiry.
This video is unavailable. Tento model poskytuje nepřekonatelný výkon díky využití nejmodernějších sušicích technologií s přesným ovládáním teploty. INTRODUCTION Congratulations!
Free Shipping Available. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Sušička potravin Sedona s devíti. These features combine to offer unparalleled control and whisper-quiet operation. With the revolutionary Two-Stage Sequential Temperature-Timer (TST), even more.
Do not attempt to dehydrate any liquids or very. The TST allows you to set. Combo Rawfood Dehydrator. It can be used with many pre-installed programs to facilitate the drying of any food. Besides the different material the trays are made from, the dehydrators are the exact same model packed with outstanding features like the digital thermostat, dual fan technology, a. SEDONA DEHIDRATORI HRANE.
TST tehnologija (Two-Stage Sequential Temperature-Timer) je apsolutno revolucionarna.