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Chic, Vintage and Funky. Gorenje Retro Collection in new colours. Kdy byl život jednodušší, počasí vlídnější a čas plynul pomaleji.
Anna, Virtual assistent Hey, welcome to Life Simplified. Join me and find out how simple choosing a perfect appliance can be. Včasih hrepenimo po dobrih starih časih. Takrat je bilo življenje preprostejše, vreme lepše in ritem življenja počasnejši.
Današnji Retro je kombinacija osupljivega vintage dizajna, optimalne razporeditve notranjosti in napredne tehnologije, ki ohranja hrano svežo in.
As a design item you can easily place it anywhere you want. Perhaps in your romantic kitchen. In addition to maintaining just the right temperature and humidity, certain models also come with a large capacity fruit and vegetable crisper designed to preserve the nutrients and prolong the freshness of your food: a great solution for your weekly shopping. Controls on the ceiling of the fridge freezer help you adjust temperature. Designelemként bárhova beállíthatod.
Romantikus stílusú konyhádba vagy épp sikkes városi hálószobád formálta fészkedbe. Esetleg funky stílusú loft lakásodba. S tehnološki naprednim, vrhunski oblikovanim i energetski učinkovitim kućanskim aparatima koji pojednostavljuju život korisnicima naših aparata u država diljem svijeta. Impartial customer reviews and free delivery days a week with ao.
Pralni stroji Waveactive Steamtech - delovanje s pomočjo pare Vedno skrbno oprano, uporabniku in okolju prijazno. See more ideas about Retro , Locker storage and Retro fridge. It is built with the highest technologies and cutting edge energy efficiency. Soft lines and details with gold finish make sure the hood blends harmoniously with the design of other appliances of the collection. The hood excels with efficient and silent operation.
Modern trend of merging the. Ako dizajnový kúsok ho môžete umiestniť kamkoľvek chcete. Every now and then we find ourselves longing for the good old days.
When life was simpler, the weather was nicer and times were slower. Method: In a pot, cook the carrot, onion, fennel bulb, and halved artichokes in a liter and a half of water with a pinch of salt. Cook until the artichoke is tender, about minutes. In a separate pan, fry the onion over olive oil until translucent.
Ами черешката на тортата? Всичко, от което имате нужда, за да се насладите на Retro днес.
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